Our sponsors make it possible for SAGAA to continue serving current and future LGBTQ+ actuaries. If you’d like to learn more about sponsorship options, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Gold Sponsor – $20K+

  • Co-sponsor a SAGAA scholarship
  • 3-month LGBTQ+ reverse mentorship for an employee
  • Everything contained in Silver Sponsorship
  • Job postings on our website (up to 15)

Silver Sponsor – $5K to $20K

  • Connect with our members at a company-sponsored event (e.g. mock interview, resume workshop, etc.)
  • Everything contained in Bronze Sponsorship
  • Job postings on our website (up to 10)

Bronze Sponsor – $1K to $5K

  • Logo on our website for the entire year of sponsorship
  • 30-minute consultation with a SAGAA Board Member on internal practices
  • Job postings on our website (up to 5)


University Engagement

The University Engagement Committee works with students, advisers, faculty, and recruiters to ensure that the actuarial profession is inclusive from Day 1. This committee is best for people who are in the academic space (students, faculty, advisers), working actuaries who want to connect (or reconnect) with their alma mater, or actuaries who are interested in mentoring and giving back. Apply here or reach out to [email protected] with questions.

Social Media

The Social Media Committee finds and shares information about LGBTQ+ issues on our Instagram and LinkedIn pages. This committee is best for people who like engaging on social media, people who want to communicate about LGBTQ+ issues on a regular basis, and people who have an artistic eye (appreciated but not required). Reach out to [email protected] with questions.


The Education Committee creates training material on LGBTQ+ issues, allyship, and more. This committee is best for people who want to develop content or train others. Apply here or reach out to [email protected] with questions.